The Coding Pipeline

March 19, 2015

This week's cultural blog focuses on a significant issue in technology. I chose one near and dear to the DBC heart. There is a tremendous lack of available developers in the American tech sector. That's an obivous point given the context of why I'm writing this. I'm of course being superficial and sarcastic, but in all seriousness it starts at an early age. It's an incredibly multifaceted issue that extends well beyond the scope of this blog, but I thought I'd throw my hat into the ring.

There is no one singular approach to changing the dynamic of who, and how many, gets into programming. Though a few things could be improved. The most galaring problem is availability. Computers are a glowing magical box for most people. By demystifying this wonderful area of study would likely make it much less terrifying. Furthermore, we as a population need to encourage and educate populations that are not well represented in the industry. Sooo, everyone who isn't a white guy. The majority of of serious(Advanced Placement) Computer Science classes are only available in upper-middle or upper class, suburban schools. There has to be a way to focus our education towards STEM, with computer science included, towards those lesser served popultaions.

Again Soon, Staunton