
April 11, 2015

This week I have been tasked with continuing to discuss values and how they relate to the Stereotype Threat I discussed last week. In last week's post, I elaborated how I have been stereotyped for being Southern in the past. People have assumed that I wasa racist because of where I was raised. This week I'll be discussinghow the values that I hold affect those stereotypes.

The value I have chosen is fairness. I have always held fairness as one of the lofty standards to which I hold myself. Where I grew up, there was obvious racism. Not everyone holds those beliefs, but when they do, it's out in the open. I never liked that growing up. I never understood why you would judge someone when you didn't even know them. I decided that I would try to withold judgements on someone until I knew at least something about their integrity, honor, or character. That attempt at fairness in my childhood has led me to be known for hair fair and logical I am in making a decison. So much so that people have come to me for advice because they know that I nothing if not fair.

Again Soon,